Vintage Duran Duran Duranies

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Duranies Unite

Duranies Unite Newsletter #2

This is the original Duranies Unite newsletter #2 sent out to club members in 1983. In addition to the usual pleas


Duran Members Handmade Dolls

Duranies Unite fanzine founder, Anji Bee, created hand made dolls of all 5 Duran Duran members – plus their wives/girlfriends –

Duranies Unite

Duranies Unite First 4 Issues

In 1984, Anji combined the first 4 issues of Duranies Unite together with a fan club intro letter to send out

Duranies Unite

Duranies Unite Sample Letter

Overwhelmed by the amount of mail generated from her ad in Teen Bag magazine, Duranies Unite founder, Anji Bee, created a

Fan art

Duran drawing letterhead

Full band pencil portrait done by Anji for use as a letterhead. This is a scan of a xerox, as we


Teen Durandemonium becomes a book

To Duran Duran, With Love [box type=”shadow”]This is a newspaper story about a 14-year-old Duranie named Stacey Huggins who wanted to

Fan art

Drawing of Simon

Our very own talented Anji drew this picture of Simon in 1983!  

Fan art

DD binder doodles

Duran Duran duran duran duran durannnnn This is the cover of one of the binders that I used in the 1980s

Fan art

Nick ink drawing

We can’t seem to find the information about the artist of this pen and ink drawing of Nick Rhodes, but we


Duranie answers: Lisa

John fan Lisa said she spent 24 hours a day listening to or otherwise thinking about Duran Duran.


Duranie answers: Zandra

Alexandra (Zandra) from Brooklyn, New York was a Simon fan at the time she filled out this questionnaire… but her favorite


Duranie answers: Sally

Up in Minot, North Dakota, Sally’s favorite band member was “Jaunty John Taylor.”


Duranie answers: Tammy

Indianapolis fan Tammy considered Simon John Charles Le Bon to be her favorite guy in the band.


Duranie answers: Susan/Charly

Susan, aka Charly, from Marietta, Georgia said she loved all the band members — and all the songs — equally.


Duranie answers: Susie

Susie, a fan for about two years, named “Nicky” Rhodes as her favorite band member.